Sensing a little Transaction between Squeeks and Kd BlockMoney?

Sensing a little Transaction between Squeeks and Kd BlockMoney?Although people from Great Britain are known for their courtesy, but something's fishy about this song called 'Transaction'. First of all, the original song had three rappers on it: first of all Squeeks, then Reapz, then Kd. Now that the video is out, it's not even Squeeks and Kd, it's Kd featuring Squeeks?! Something ain't right!

Squeeks' reputation is a general acknowledgment. You can say Squeeks is the man without gettin' punched in the nose. Actually, chances are you'll get a beer! But Kd? We haven't heard such lame lines in a good while now. No life in him, no idea, not much genuine, not much that hasn't been already said.

The moment Kd said 'I'm connected' I wanted to jump out my chair and say 'like a wifi, man?!', but no! He beat me to it. The whole verse went 'I'm connected, and I ain't talkin' bout no wifi'. I sat back in my seat and cursed the day I met such an ingenious artist. It's if he bloody read my mind.

Then he went 'No licence' and I immediately seized the opportunity and tried to say 'where ya wanna go, Kd? I'mma drive you!', but then he said '...when I drive by'. I was bummed down again. :( no sense in driving him, he probably already had a driver, and a man ain't even need a licence if he's the drive by shooter. :(

Then my bell rung! I knew what I had to do to get his attention! But wait, it wasn't MY bell. It was his bell. The one that rung when he squeezed on the butt cheek of that girl he payed to stalk him through the video. The only girl in the video, might I say. All fuckery aside, the video seemed like a joke. A great masquerade, like those stores in the Wild West, where you only had the wooden front, and nothing behind it. Aside from Squeeks' lines that were really out there (I ain't even gotta exemplify, the man is fire), aside from that, as I was saying, the whole song is the living example of what a Transaction can do. Of how it can turn and twist art, music, and life. Shit was damn near pathetic, but my invite is listen to the song. Go ahead and see it for yourselves.

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