RnB singer Dez goes from We Ride to Ride It, his newest song.

RnB singer Dez goes from We Ride to Ride It, his newest song.Well, he doesn't really make all that of a hiatus, but people do seem to remember him from back in 2012 when he was promoting his 'Real Talk' mixtape. He's gone a long way, but from the looks of his description on Facebook, he hasn't strayed from his path. Check out just a sample of how he describes himself:

"In a world where R&B is either hi-tempo dance music with no message or low-tempo blues that can put you to sleep, newcomer R&B star Dez, sets out to prove, that in this day and age, R&B can have meaning and not be boring". Damn! Save me a piece of that!

His new song's talking bout how him and the girl of his dreams make love until the sun rises (like lovers that just found themselves do, right?), promising to beat it like MJ in "You Rocked My World". The comparison is actually surprisingly accurate. Check it out, but not before you've bumped his facebook and/or twitter. Lyrics on top of the page!



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