Mysonne - Reply To Ill Mind Of Hopsin 7

Mysonne - Reply To Ill Mind Of Hopsin 7You remember Ill Mind Of Hopsin 5! MYSONNE, this New York rapper that’s been stepping it up has got the thumbs up for a remix of Hopsin’s original track. He brings in a little more flow and an impregnable personal thought on religion.

Reply To Ill Mind Of Hopsin 7 is a freestyle follows the official belief, the dogma, until a certain point, where he says ’A human wrote The Bible, but God is inside you’. It is said that The Bible was indeed written by a human hand, but under guidance from the Holy Spirit. Now, God is inside you comes to complete the message he alluded to in the first part of the quoted verse: although the name Jesus doesn't appear on this track, God is Jesus, the lesser part of the trinity, the human part, and His messages aren't any less human. The rest of the well thought teachings proves the statement. The song, is thus an adequate reply to Hopsin’s critique of the black society, showing him that we are all spiritual and are one under God.

A new track from MYSONNE just came out of the depths of the studio. A fast and to the point Seen It All freestyle. Be sure to check that out too.

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