Mind blowing heart clasping song by Sweedish emcee Martin Bjork: Ricochet!

Mind blowing heart clasping song by Sweedish emcee Martin Bjork: Ricochet!Here's a guy we've never dealt with before. A Swedish emcee and TV host who's followed by a strong number of people back home, Martin Björk has turned to the international listeners by releasing a song in English.

The man alternates words of dismay with vows of spiritual rising, putting them into the mouth of a little girl that slowly gathers up audience among the kids of the city. This inspirational song back stabs you right as you're beginning to mellow down, taking you through sheer mood drifts, the ups and downs of one's perennial quest for maturity. What he captures in this song is the constant pressure that the outside world makes on the younger party, molding it into an imperfect replica of its own device. I say imperfect because there will always be a struggle between society and the individual, resulting the befuddling of either one party or another. Psychologists would call this the rupture between the adolescent and the family gynaeceum. Philosophers would call this 'becoming', or dasein.

Either way, Martin Björk's song touches a very important problem of our present days, lifts heads up, motivates and ultimately manages to narrow down the numerous possibilities of mental coping to one personal method: RICOCHET!

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