Lil Mouse - Math Teacher. This song is off the hook

Lil Mouse - Math Teacher. This song is off the hookOr is the hook sounding a little off? Yeah, that's what I meant.

Lil Mouse fans, I'm sorry, but this is an example of what rap shouldn't be. And all stereotypes aside, you have to leave that hating business aside and admit that music can't be music without a little bit of a critical eye. It's a democracy, and anybody can say whatever about whatever. This is what the 'hate counteractors' on youtube don't grasp. You need negative comments. It's absurd to think everything the industry farts out is good, dope, fire, the shit, the bomb, and so on. Music isn't like that at all. Because its limited space (you can't sing forever), music is likely to fail at conveying that feeling, that vibe, that (let's call it) 'incremental change' that either lifts your spirits up or dims your flame down. You need to have that subtle, that subliminal, that concise, so that you say more with less words. These guys, Lil Mouse and Young Scooter, don't say anything with a lot of words!

Take the misconception in the hook, for example. It's silly and childish to think that if you can count, you immediately have money. Your math teacher barely has that median household income, guys, let's be serious about it. And you're undermining mathematics here, guys. Is that all math is? Counting? Or is it what you guys were left with after high-school? Honestly, I remember doing a little more than counting, but anyway. Rap game started putting on this illiterate motif, 'I don't need to know how to read, I only need to know how to count', wham-bam, artist go for it and start singing about the necessity of counting. I'd say school needs to teach you something more than that. Take a look at the song, and you'll see what I mean. 50 words that go on and on and on, money, cars, bands, pockets, what do you know, money again, Instagram, hate, and so on. This song's got basic written all over it. It says nothing, it sounds awful, the hook keeps repeating. People are getting a bit tired of the two verses - three hooks, or three verses - four hooks scheme. You gotta be more inventive. That's what rap is all about, invention, new, imagination.

We give it a thumb down. Peace! ... and be critical.

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