Hollohan, with a lenghty track that'll surely affect your respiratory system: Helping Each Other Die

Hollohan, with a lenghty track that'll surely affect your respiratory system: Helping Each Other DieAlthough this is the first we've heard of Jeff Hollohan, it seems that he's been at it in the underground, battling, he's also been doing a little time, instigating against black people, himself being part of a skinhead movement. Drug addict, apparently he stole the money he got for a future rapping gig and used it all on heroin. All this background, though shady and remorseful, brings in a baggage of veracity to his music, and boosts up credentials for this latter song he got out, called 'Helping Each Other Die'. The needles, the plastic syringes in the ashtray, the intense smoking habit with which users buddy up their more lethal addictions, the tourniquet, the little amount of blood being withdrawn in the syringe after pushing the hueless substance in the vein, these are all consequences of a very tight intimacy with the addiction. This is why many of his listeners and future fans will be feeling his music. He's kind of in Eminem's shadow, rapping like in Lose Yourself, or Cleaning Out My Closet, anyway, the old Eminem, you can see a great deal of influence from there, but it's much more than that.

He uses Angus and Julia Stone's 'I'm Not Yours' chorus, sped up a bit, and imbues his whole seven minute song with a desperate and outrageous haze. The song has a skepsis, but I'm not gonna reveal that for you. Check out his video, and try to see the inside of a person, his motifs, his ticking mechanism, and not just the dirty reality he's building up outside. Cheers!

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