Debut single from American Indie band HUNNY: you cannot not like it!

Debut single from American Indie band HUNNY: you cannot not like it!You know how we love new talents! Fresh and untainted by the industry's frivolous attempts to turn music into a statistic: the masses want this, the masses want that, maybe a few more cliches here, maybe a curse word there. Maybe music isn't for the masses, and like a child is raised with more manners under a steady hand, music would be a little more audible if it were left to the artist's severe molding. No interference from the outside. That's what new bands on the market are. Untainted by majority.

That's what Hunny is, an American band composing six well talented artists that has recently launched their debut single called 'Cry for me'. This is what we're giving you today. It's indie, with a bitter rocky twist, great to listen in the car, in your moody afternoon delights or elsewhere, where your heart desires it. We didn't get all the verses right in the lyrics transcript, but some that we've got right are magical. Check em' out as well, not until you like these guys on Facebook:


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