A rather unconventional Halloween song by Mickey Shiloh and Tre Adams

A rather unconventional Halloween song by Mickey Shiloh and Tre AdamsThe song's called 'A Monster'. R&B singer Tre Adams does the whiny part of the song, Mickey Shiloh does the rapping. There's a tensionate dubsteppy sound on the background, that announces a burst of BOOOOOOM WAWAWAWA, GRRR GRRR, WAWAWA WWWWWWWW, but that never happens. It's always this back and forth, this sex tease, that's goin' on. A lot of colors in the song too, nice to watch in full HD. The girl's gotta be a cancer or a scorpio, cuz otherwise I can't figure out why this whole 'I can't make up my mind' torture.

Look the song up on the site, we got the lyrics there. You got the clip here ↓↓↓

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