A great new R&B album from Dave Hollister, former Blackstreet member!

A great new R&B album from Dave Hollister, former Blackstreet member!Former Blackstreet member Dave Hollister got out a new solo album. It's called Chicago Winds...The Saga Continues. This artist really has soul. And blues, and rhythm. None of that kinky R&B we've been gettin' a lot. He's bringing out the classics, talking about love as an experienced grandfather would, when passing on the legacy to his soon to be eighteen year old grandson. Real deep stuff.

At least two of the songs off this album, from what I know, deal with breaking up. The break-up, however, is always going to be a straightforward we gotta part ways kind of break-up. No drama, no remorse, except for the time wasted in that buffer-cushion period when none of them really felt that stream of love anymore. There's always that. Remorse for making the other one hold your hand when he didn't, pretend that it's working out when it isn't, waste time when he could be out there loving another. I'm telling you, this R&B singer could have been a lawyer, that's how scrupulous he can love, like on the edge of a knife. It's either left or right, be loved or begone. Things can get sensual at times too, trust me.

Did I mention his chorus guys are the bomb? Doing most of the work, but it's worth it. Feeling the gospel of love fever. Check it out:

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